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Space Availability - Northwest Reno Library

The Northwest Reno Library has one large meeting room and four-person Zoom ROOM. Clicknext to the room name for more information.


Northwest Reno Library Meeting Room Hours

Monday 10 am-5:45 pm
Tuesday 10 am-5:45 pm
Wednesday 10 am-6:45 pm
Thursday 10 am-5:45 pm
Friday 10 am-5:45 pm
Saturday 10 am-3:45 pm
Sunday 10 am-3:45 pm

Washoe County Library System offers meeting rooms at most larger libraries, available for use by government agencies, community groups, and individuals. All potential meeting room users should review and be familiar with all applicable library policies, including the Meeting Room Policy and the Unattended Children Policy.

Occupancy rates are strictly enforced by the Fire Marshall. Depending on additional equipment brought into the room, these rates may be reduced to ensure the safe evacuation of the room in the event of an emergency.

You will receive a confirmation email soon after you submit your reservation request. You will also receive a reminder email 48 hours prior to your meeting date. If you need to cancel a reservation, please follow the link included in the emails.


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