Event box

The History and Culture of the Washoe Peoples

This presentation will provide an overview of the history and culture of the Washoe Tribe. The Washoe Peoples presence at Lake Tahoe and surrounding areas dates back to time immemorable as they are one of the oldest Tribes and Languages within the Great Basin and Sierra Mountains. The Lake Tahoe Basin has been the center of the Washoe world, traditions, and creation stories. The Federal Government, tourism, and development during the last century have driven the Washoe Tribe to the fringes of their aboriginal territory and disastrously impacted Washoe ancestral lands. This talk will help those who live within the Washoe Tribes aboriginal homelands today gain a greater understanding what the landscape, wildlife, and people who lived here were like in the past and how they have persevered to keep their way of life alive today.

Registration recommended. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Incline Village Library
Community History
Registration has closed.