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Nevada Historical Society presents High Noon with Neal Cobb Summer Series: Verdi History Center and the Verdi Public School Restoration Project

Nevada Historical Society presents High Noon with Neal Cobb Summer Series: Verdi History Center and the Verdi Public School Restoration Project

Nevada Historical Society presents High Noon with Neal Cobb, a wonderful history series that delves into fascinating Nevada topics with local experts. Neal Cobb is a passionate historian and honorary curator for the Nevada Historical Society. He loves all things Nevada. Join Neal Cobb and our monthly speakers as we explore interesting topics and join in the audience conversations.

The Verdi History Preservation Society, Inc. (VHPS) consists of residents concerned with the preservation of the history of Verdi, Nevada, and the surrounding area. In 2002, with the support of the Verdi Community Library, VHPS began collecting photographs and artifacts that pertain to telling the history and story of Verdi. Our collection contains over 85 scrapbooks of photographs and histories about some of the early families in Verdi. Our mission is to collect, educate and share the history and the story of Verdi, Nevada.  

Friends of the 1926 Verdi Public School Restoration Project 

VHPS has be working on preserving the old 1926 Verdi Public School brick building back to life. The building will be the new Verdi Community Center and Museum.  We will tell the story about how our volunteers and supporters helped us accomplish this project step-by-step. From demolition and installation of new walls and flooring, plumbing, heating, and painting walls, cleaning up the lot, repair and replace fence poles and even working on landscaping.  

June Speaker: Barbara Ting, President Verdi History Preservation Society

Barbara Ting is one of the founding members and President of the Verdi History Preservation Society since 2002. She works with a dedicated group of volunteers that want to preserve Verdi’s history.  

All of our virtual events are shared on Facebook, and are archived on the Library website, and YouTube

Thursday, June 16, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm
History Local Interest
Registration has closed.
No Geolocation available for event.